Our Process

How to Adopt
Ask us anything
We call it a Homestudy

01. Get Approved

Send us a message and let us know that you’d like to adopt a puppy. You can also call or text me at 281-235-3272. I’m happy to answer any questions and discuss the particulars of your situation.

During the approval process, I like to know a bit about you and your situation or if you any special needs that we need to take in account when placing a puppy with you. For instance, what is your home situation like? If applicable, what is your general work/school schedule? Do you have a good set up for a goldendoodle? Do you plan to give your doodle special training as a service dog, emotional support animal or as a therapy dog?

Of course, if you’re not yet familiar with the Goldendoodle breed, now’s a good time to read up on them.


Article: Why choose a Golden Doodle >>
Good things take time

02. Waitlist

Once we’ve had a chance to get to know you and have a better idea of what your needs are, it’s time to get on our waiting list for an upcoming litter.

This is when you put down a deposit on your future puppy. We create our waiting list on a first come, first serve basis depending on when we receive your deposit. If you would like an early pick of a litter, we recommend that you put down your deposit early. Once the pups are born, pick choices will be according to your spot on the waitlist.

If you have special needs, be sure to let us know. In that case, an early deposit and/or support dog prospect arrangement can get you first choice. Message for details.

Our $350.00 non-refundable [1]Security Deposit in Personal Check, Zelle or by PayPal (PayPal includes a 3.5% fee).

* This does not guarantee when a puppy will be available.

Necessary steps

03. Paperwork and Deposit

Once we confirm that puppies are on their way, someone from Rainfields will reach out to you.

We’ll send you our Bill of Sale and Guarantee to look over. If you haven’t already put down your deposit, this would be the time to put down the $350.00 non-refundable [1]Security Deposit in Personal Check, Zelle or by PayPal (PayPal includes a 3% fee).

Once we confirm receipt of the deposit, we will start sending your updates once the big day arrives. We like to send regulard updates and pictures of the new pups as they grow and keep your posted on milestones and progress. 

ome See Us

04. Choose Your Puppy

If you have a deposit down on one of our puppies, we will let you know which “pick” you have. Some people like to choose using pictures or videos, but we also offer you to come visit the available puppies at about 6 weeks old to choose your newest little family member.

By 5 or 6 weeks old, their little personalities are starting to emerge, so this is a good time to visit and get to know a little bit about the pups to help you make the big decision.

If you’d like help choosing, we’ll be happy to assist you.

 in door indoor Puppy Proofing

05. Make Preparations

Before you bring your new puppy home, we ask that you puppy proof your house and get the basic supplies ready for the big day.

Your new puppy has had their first shots, is sleeping in their crate at night and has started basic potty training.  I will provide you with their schedule and tips on continuing this training, along with other safety and care information. I also include a list of basic supplies you will need such as a dog crate, a cozy bed, puppy food and travel supplies such a harness and seat belt.  

Puppies are not ready to be around unvaccinated dogs or public areas till they have all 3 puppy vaccinations  (at about 12-14 weeks old). If you do not have a back yard or private area, you may need to set up their potty area indoors or on a patio till your puppy is fully protected.

Please also  choose a local veterinarian to take care of your new puppy. 

Take pictures

06. Pay the Balance and Bring Your Puppy Home

Congratulations! The big day has arrived!

Our puppies are ready to go to their new homes at 8 weeks of age. The puppy must be paid for in full prior to (or on) the Pick-Up Date. You are welcome to pay for your Puppy using cash, PayPal, Zelle, or Personal Check (please allow 1 week to clear).

If possible, please arrange to have someone come with you to hold the puppy on the drive home. If you are unable to, please bring a harness and seat belt, or a puppy carrier, to safely transport your new puppy home.

Once all the paperwork and payments are done, the final step is to take your new best friend home!

Please feel free to call or text if you have any questions or concerns. We also love to get updates and pictures as your baby grows.


* Security Deposit

A non-refundable (except for reasons stated below) security deposit will hold your puppy until you come pick up your puppy..

Waiting list is on a first come first serve basis for an expected litter. The buyer will specify whether they want a M/F. Buyer agrees to be flexible and accept coat color available and acknowledges that seller cannot guarantee size of puppy when grown.

The security deposit will hold the puppy until the puppy is old enough to go home when the remainder of the balance is expected before the Puppy Pick up day. In case the expected litter does not arrive or the requested gender is not available, the deposit will be returned in full or the buyer will be put on the “next available litter” list.

If you put a deposit down for one of our puppies, we will do our best to provide you with a puppy within one year of the deposit being made, unless other arrangements made or the buyer wishes to remain on the waiting list.

The adult dogs weights are approximate. We have F1, F1b and F2 goldendoodle puppies. Our standard goldendoodle puppies generally mature at between 50 and 75 lbs, and our mini goldendoodle puppies range in size from 25 to 50 lbs depending on the mix . Because the Goldendoodle is a “cross” and not a “standardized breed” there is no guarantee of size, coat texture and color when grown. We will endeavor to make the best possible match between puppies and people.

NOTE: In the event that we feel you do not meet the qualifications we expect of a responsible home for one of our puppies, we reserve the right to cancel the Buyer Agreement at any time and return your deposit.

Upcoming Litters

Summer 2024

A litter of F1b puppies are expected sometimes in the month of June. These cuties will likely be cream, parti-colored or red. If you would like to find out more and go on the waiting list for this litter, please contact us now.


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