Socializing a Goldendoodle
Early Socialization
(Note: The goldendoodle puppies in this post are available. If you’d like more information on our goldendoodle puppies for sale, contact me at laurie@rainfieldgoldendoodles.com.)
While we normally have all our goldendoodle puppies spoken for by the time they’re ready to go home, every now and then we have a few who stick around for a little longer. When this happens, not only do we get some extra time with the pups to do early training, we get the fun job of getting to introduce the puppies to all sorts of new experiences, which we also call “sociazliation.”

Socializing a goldendoodle puppy doesn’t end with puppyhood. Those first 12 weeks are crucial, but the next few months, especially after they’ve had their shots — that’s when the real fun starts.
For instance, the pups we still have from our summer litter are 20 weeks old now and have had all their shots, so I have a different buddy with me whever I go these days. They’ve been on trips with me to Sam Houston National Park and met the park rangers, they go to Home Depot and any stores that are pet friendly, they have been to our neighbors farm and have met their livestock. These doodle pups get to go on playdates with the grandkids and more.

All in Days Work Socializing a Goldendoodle
One of my recent highlights was taking the litter girl puppy into a local feed store yesterday and letting her explore a little. She loved meeting the friendly staff, but then seemed especially attracted to one man. He smiled and let me know that he is a REAL dog guy! He breeds and trains hunting dogs and 34 dogs at the moment. Now it all makes sense. This little goldendoodle knows how to pick’em.
I moved on with my shopping and the little pup trailed along. Well, this little goldendoodle is a bit of a huntress herself and delights in chasing our many country bugs and butterflies. Being an observant little doodle, she has watched me closely. We have some scary unusual country bugs that bite, so I carry my fly swatter as I go about my chores outside.
I finished checking out, and turned to go. As we were walking out, I glanced at the pup and noticed that she had visited the fly swatter display while I wasn’t looking and was proudly leaving the store with the one she had picked out in her mouth. I figured she was thinking I was leaving my favorite accessory behind or she was planning to get her own to facilitate her bug hunting. Locusts are her favorite. I guess we’ll see if she took my speech about not shoplifting to heart.
To finish up puppy’s day out, we popped in our neighbor who has a s beautiful bay horse.. It turns out my little girl is a horse lover too.

Adopt a Goldendoodle
If you are interested in adding one of our wonderful goldendoodle puppies to your family, please contact me today. You can click here to get in touch. Call or text 281-235-3272. Email: laurie@rainfieldgoldendoodles.com or visit us at our Rainfield Goldendoodles Facebook page. We currently have a few of our summer puppies still available. They are 5 months old so are doing really well with crate training and potty training. In addition to daily socialization exercises, these doodle pups are getting a daily training session.