Doodles in Galveston – Beach Hair, Don’t Care!
Jewel and Gus, Doodles in Galveston
Jewel and her new little brother Gus are Doodles in Galveston who are loving their #goldendoodlelife on the Bolivar Peninsula! Jewel and Gus say there’s pretty much nothing better in life than a gorgeous sunrise and long morning walks on the cool beach sand with your favorite human, the sounds of gulls and gentle waves, and everything that comes with living their best life as beach doodles. Enjoy it for all of us, sweet pups!

Contact Us Today to get a Golden Doodle Puppy near Houston, TX
Jewel and Gus are two of our Rainfield Golden Doodles, who live near the beach in Galveston, Texas. If you would like to add a Rainfield Goldendoodle to your family, contact us today at 281-235-3272 or by email at laurie@rainfieldgoldendoodles.com. We also have a fun and active Facebook community who love to share their #goldendoodlelife with us. In fact, right now we have several of Gus’ brothers. Click here if you are interested in a cream goldendoodle puppy for sale!