UPDATE: Willie Nelson has been adopted. To find out about new goldendoodle puppies available for adoption, please contact us at laurie@rainfieldgoldendoodles.com.
Meet Willie Nelson — an F1B male goldendoodle puppy available from our fall litter. If you’re interested in adopting him, please contact me at laurie@rainfieldgoldendoodles.com. Willie is 8 weeks old. He is an F1B Goldendoodle puppy, which means his daddy is a poodle and his mom is an goldendoodle. Willie has got a soft, wavy/curly apricot colored coat with white patches. He is very smart and learns quickly. He’s just about got this potty training thing down and is learning to sit to be petted. He loves treats and sitting on the porch swing watching the sun go down.
If you miss out on this cutie, or you’re not quite ready to adopt, no worries — we are taking deposits for our December puppies. Just ask for info on how to get on our goldendoodle puppy waiting list.