Our winter goldendoodle puppies are here.

by Oct 18, 2018News1 comment

Apricot and cream goldendoodles

Apricot and cream goldendoodle puppies from last year,

Red goldendoodle puppies

Red goldendoodle puppies are here!

Are you thinking of adding a goldendoodle puppy to your family this winter? These pups are a bit early to be Christmas puppies as they will be ready for their new homes in mid-November, but in case you don’t mind and want to bring your doodle home a bit earlier, we will have 3 red and 3 white F1 male goldendoodle puppies available.These F1 goldendoodle pups will be mostly shaggy/wavy, although we do have one or two curly doodles in the bunch. Although it’s just boys that are available at this time, if you are interested in a female,get in touch to get on our list for our early 2019 litter.  Let us know if you are interested.

1 Comment

  1. Candis Turnbo-Sherrill

    Do you have any Goldendoodles available to bring home in November? I am interested in a curly male if you still have one.


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