When to Get a Second Goldendoodle
Time to Get a Second Goldendoodle?

A few of the puppies from our 2022 summer litters are going to homes with an older dog or doodle this summer. We are getting back some adorable pictures and videos that we wanted to share here with our Rainfield family in case any of you are wondering how your older dogs might handle getting a second goldendoodle puppy. Thank you, Sally, Helen, Stacy and Kathleen for the pictures and video clips.
Molly Meet Hazel…
Sally has an 8 month old doodle, Molly, who needed someone a little more playful than Sally’s older dog. While her older dog tolerated Molly, Molly needed a playmate. Enter two month old Hazel. Molly and Hazel have been together for one week and these girls are just getting started.

Lola Gets a Little Brother
Kathleen’s Lola is almost 3 years old. Kathleen and her husband recently decided to add a second goldendoodle to their family. We’ll let the pictures do all the talking, but from the looks of it, Lola thinks it’s great having a little brother.

What is a Good Age to Add a Second Goldendoodle to Your Home and Family?
The official recommendation from the AKC is to wait until you’re older dog is about one or two years old. This allows time for you to fully bond with and complete the training with your first dog, however, we do have families who shorten or lengthen that time recommendation. No matter the age, it’s important to make sure you give each dog individual attention and continue their training both together and one-on-one..

Can you Pair a Standard Goldendoodle with a Mini Goldendoodle?
Since we started breeding mini-goldendoodles and small standard goldendoodles, we’ve had families getting a smaller doodle the second time around. The good news is that sizing doesn’t seem to make much difference. The doodle siblings get along great and we’ve gotten good reports from everyone. No matter what the size difference or age difference is though, supervision is key when introducing your new puppy into your home and to your older doodle. That way if your older or larger doodle starts playing too rough with the little one, you can intervene and put the puppy in their crate or playpen for a break.

Tips for Adding a Second Doodle to Your Home.
When introducing your second goldendoodle puppy into your home, we do have a few tips to get you off to a good start.
1. Go Slow, Supervise and Be Patient
First, go slow and be patient. Some doodles take to their new sibling right away, others may need a little more time to get used to the new baby. It’s very important that you supervise all interactions, especially at the early stage of socializing your dogs to each other. That way if either dog get a little too excited and exhuberant, you can step in and give everyone a break.
One of the benefits of having doodles of different ages is that an older dog can pass on their good habits to the new one and help you teach the new dog. Don’t be too alarmed if that training sometimes comes in the form of a growl or snap when the puppy is misbehaving. Keep an eye on it, but give you older dog a little leeway to teach your puppy some manners and how to best be a part of their new “paxck.” Again, supervision is vital at this stage, to make sure they don’t overboard in their “teaching,” or get too bossy with the newcomer.

2. Do Use Crates, Play Pens and Pet Gates
Second, crating, play pens and pet gates are another must when introducing a second doodle into your home. Keep the playtimes shorter at the beginning and make sure your little one gets the extra rest and naps they need. Having a crate, play pen or pet gates also allows you to easily and quickly give both dogs a break when needed. Using some form of separation also makes it easier for you to continue to have individual bonding time with each dog.

3. Use Positive Reinforcement
Make the introductions fun and positive. When your older dog does well with the new pup, shares toys or plays well with the little pup, give rewards or treats and praise them. You want the older doodle to see the new addition as the positive event that it is and to form strong bonds with their new sibling too.
4. Get Help With Training Issues
While the initial introductions are fairly straightforward, if specific issues arise, likes either one being overly protective of their food and toys, or one of them gets too bossy with the other one, consult with your dog trainer. Trainers face these issues all the time and can often help you with tips and techniques that get you all off to a good start.
Looking to Get a Second Doodle For Your Family?

Contact us today at laurie@rainfieldgoldendoodles.com to find out more about our goldendoodles available now and our upcoming litters. You can also visit our Rainfield Goldendoodle Facebook page to see examples of our older doodles and their families living their best life.