Rainfield Puppy Training

Rainfield Puppy Training

Rainfield Puppy Training – The Art of Listening’

These 3 standard pups were such bright students.

While not yet able to master complex or fancy tricks, between 6-8 weeks of age smart little goldendoodle puppies catch on very quickly to some of the earliest, but most basic, training techniques and pre-training exercises. We start by teaching our young Rainfield goldendoodle pups to sit and pay attention or to “Watch me!” which is one of the very first things every dog has to learn in training . Pups that have mastered this basic skill go on to be much easier to train once they mature and are able to retain more information.

If you’ve ever visited with a litter of puppies, you know that it’s no small feat to get three pups to sit nicely on a dog cot, watching you and waiting at attention. Enter our early Rainfield Puppy Training tips.

We actually teach the whole litter to Mand or “Watch ME” at the same time. We start by using high value soft treats initially. At first the puppies are in their own little puppy world, romping around, tumbling and playing. We stand at the edge of the pen and use a hand motion, waiting for one of the pups to notice. The most attentive pup in the litter will be the first to notice and curiously sit down to see what we’re up. We quickly treat the pup with our high value treat. That pup is now sold on this new trick and goes on to repeat it over and over again as they get more treats. Pretty soon, a second notices that something is up and one of their siblings is getting something special. One by the one, the pups stop playing as they realize what’s going on and join in on the activity. Pretty soon we need 10 hands to quickly treat all the little cuties as they sit and wait *not so patiently* for their treat. Later we add a verbal cue. I use ‘watch me’ and ‘sit’.

Goldendoodle dogs sitting at attention

Adult goldendoodles sitting at attention.

If you are looking for a goldendoodle puppy to add to your family, click here to find out more about our summer litter of goldendoodle puppies for Sale now.

That Last Goldendoodle Pup Can Be Extra Special

That Last Goldendoodle Pup Can Be Extra Special

Some of you know what it’s like to snag the “last pup,” but here is a glimpse into why the last goldendoodle pup can be such exceptional pups.

Rocco is one of our last goldendoodle pups from our winter litter - available now

Why the last goldendoodle pup can be extra special!

Here at Rainfield Goldendoodles we focus on early basic crate, potty and manners training with all our doodle pups. Our goldendoodle puppies then go home between 8 to 12 weeks and we usually get pretty glowing reports about how easy it is to continue on with their crate and potty training. Most of them sleep through the night in their crates (although they may fuss a bit those first few nights at home) etc. However, ocassionally, we have a few that stay with us a little longer after their littermates have gone to their new homes.

Well, guess what? Once they are the only one or two left, they don’t just sit in their playpen or crate all day waiting for their big day. We can then go the extra step with those little ones. They get to trail around after us and get extra one on one training

The last doodle pup gets all the attention!

For instance, here is what Rocco, our last little boy, is up to as he waits for her new home.

— He started ‘off’ leash walking today. We will add the leash before too long.

— ‘Wait’ He is waiting at the gate for me to pass first. Right now that’s only about 50% of the time though as the temptation is great to rush out and see what’s going on.

— He has been doing great on sitting for weeks now, almost passable on ‘stay’ and ‘nicely’ (to get his treats). I am adding hand cues as well.

— Something I added this time around is a training journal. I tend to wander too much in my training and get a little too ‘creative, so the journal keeps me focused and on track.

With this early start on his training, Rocco should rock his puppy classes in his new home (after all puppy shots are done). Socialization with other pups is so important to keep up with, but it is a nice feeling when you start group classes and your pup is the star pupil as he has had a great start.

Contact us To Adopt a Goldendoodle Puppy today!

For more information on adopting Rocco, a cream colored male F1b Goldendoodle, contact us 281-235-3272 or email laurie@gmail.com. You can also message us on our Facebook page. Find out more about Rocco and our process for adopting a goldendoodle puppy by clicking here!

Male goldendoodle pup in Houston
When to Get a Second Goldendoodle

When to Get a Second Goldendoodle

Time to Get a Second Goldendoodle?

Freddie, an F1b goldendoodle is the new pup on the block in this Dallas home.
Brothers from another mother (Photo credit: Helen)

A few of the puppies from our 2022 summer litters are going to homes with an older dog or doodle this summer. We are getting back some adorable pictures and videos that we wanted to share here with our Rainfield family in case any of you are wondering how your older dogs might handle getting a second goldendoodle puppy. Thank you, Sally, Helen, Stacy and Kathleen for the pictures and video clips.

Molly Meet Hazel…

Sally has an 8 month old doodle, Molly, who needed someone a little more playful than Sally’s older dog. While her older dog tolerated Molly, Molly needed a playmate. Enter two month old Hazel. Molly and Hazel have been together for one week and these girls are just getting started.

When two doodles are better than one
Molly (8 months) and Hazel (2 months), both F1b small standards, (photo credit: Sally)
Goldendoodle nap time
Sisters forever (Photo credit: Sally)
Hazel has her puppy ways to get big sister, Molly, off the couch and into play mode

Lola Gets a Little Brother

Kathleen’s Lola is almost 3 years old. Kathleen and her husband recently decided to add a second goldendoodle to their family. We’ll let the pictures do all the talking, but from the looks of it, Lola thinks it’s great having a little brother.

Two goldendoodles are better than one, says Lola
Two Doodles are better than one, says Lola (photo credit: Kathleen)
goldendoodle puppy adores his big sister
Someone adores their big sister (photo credit: Kathleen)

What is a Good Age to Add a Second Goldendoodle to Your Home and Family?

The official recommendation from the AKC is to wait until you’re older dog is about one or two years old. This allows time for you to fully bond with and complete the training with your first dog, however, we do have families who shorten or lengthen that time recommendation. No matter the age, it’s important to make sure you give each dog individual attention and continue their training both together and one-on-one..

Mini-goldendoodle puppy is a good fit for her new family
Sally’s family had 2 dogs, but the older one was rarely in the mood for Molly’s puppy antics. Now that Molly has a more-energetic little sister, she gives older brother his space (photo credit: Sally)

Can you Pair a Standard Goldendoodle with a Mini Goldendoodle?

Since we started breeding mini-goldendoodles and small standard goldendoodles, we’ve had families getting a smaller doodle the second time around. The good news is that sizing doesn’t seem to make much difference. The doodle siblings get along great and we’ve gotten good reports from everyone. No matter what the size difference or age difference is though, supervision is key when introducing your new puppy into your home and to your older doodle. That way if your older or larger doodle starts playing too rough with the little one, you can intervene and put the puppy in their crate or playpen for a break.

Standard goldendoodle with a mini goldendoodle
Queen Neely (f1b mini-doodle – 1 year old) with brother Marcus (f1 standard goldendoodle – 3 years old) (Photo credit: Michelle)

Tips for Adding a Second Doodle to Your Home.

When introducing your second goldendoodle puppy into your home, we do have a few tips to get you off to a good start.

1. Go Slow, Supervise and Be Patient

First, go slow and be patient. Some doodles take to their new sibling right away, others may need a little more time to get used to the new baby. It’s very important that you supervise all interactions, especially at the early stage of socializing your dogs to each other. That way if either dog get a little too excited and exhuberant, you can step in and give everyone a break.

One of the benefits of having doodles of different ages is that an older dog can pass on their good habits to the new one and help you teach the new dog. Don’t be too alarmed if that training sometimes comes in the form of a growl or snap when the puppy is misbehaving. Keep an eye on it, but give you older dog a little leeway to teach your puppy some manners and how to best be a part of their new “paxck.” Again, supervision is vital at this stage, to make sure they don’t overboard in their “teaching,” or get too bossy with the newcomer.

Best friends forever! - Doodle siblings
Doodles are such social creatures… they love family (photo credit: Michelle)

2. Do Use Crates, Play Pens and Pet Gates

Second, crating, play pens and pet gates are another must when introducing a second doodle into your home. Keep the playtimes shorter at the beginning and make sure your little one gets the extra rest and naps they need. Having a crate, play pen or pet gates also allows you to easily and quickly give both dogs a break when needed. Using some form of separation also makes it easier for you to continue to have individual bonding time with each dog.

Goldendoodle puppy in a puppy playpen
Playtime is done, little Rufus’ playpen is perfect when he needs a nap and a break from his new siblings (photo credit: Stacy)

3. Use Positive Reinforcement

Make the introductions fun and positive. When your older dog does well with the new pup, shares toys or plays well with the little pup, give rewards or treats and praise them. You want the older doodle to see the new addition as the positive event that it is and to form strong bonds with their new sibling too.

4. Get Help With Training Issues

While the initial introductions are fairly straightforward, if specific issues arise, likes either one being overly protective of their food and toys, or one of them gets too bossy with the other one, consult with your dog trainer. Trainers face these issues all the time and can often help you with tips and techniques that get you all off to a good start.

Looking to Get a Second Doodle For Your Family?

goldendoodle puppies in Houston, Texas - summer 2022
Summer Puppies – 2022

Contact us today at laurie@rainfieldgoldendoodles.com to find out more about our goldendoodles available now and our upcoming litters. You can also visit our Rainfield Goldendoodle Facebook page to see examples of our older doodles and their families living their best life.

Therapy Dog In The Works

Therapy Dog In The Works

Charlie – An Upcoming Therapy Dog/Service Dog

Sweet Charlie, a 5 month old F1 goldendoodle just completed the first towards his journey as a therapy dog. Congratulations, Charlie! And a big thank you to Charlie’s mama and the trainers at Believe in Dog Training for the good work you are doing. Keep it up little guy! We see great things in your future!

Future Therapy Dog - goldendoodle puppy graduates Puppy Class
Charlie, a F1 goldendoodle puppy, graduating from his first puppy class.

The Importance of Dog Training For Your Goldendoodle Puppy

While training for therapy work requires additional specialized training, we recommend that all our Rainfield Goldendoodle puppies go through a basic dog training program. Going through dog training is great socialization. They are such smart dogs who love to learn and are often the stars of their class. .

Looking for a Goldendoodle Puppy?

If you’re looking to add a goldendoodle puppy to your family, contact us today at laurie@rainfieldgoldendoodles.com to reserve your puppy. You can also check out our Facebook page where we post all the fun pictures of our older doodles living their best lives. Enjoy!

Grooming a Goldendoodle Puppy

Grooming a Goldendoodle Puppy

When And How To Start Grooming a Goldendoodle Puppy

New doodle families often ask when they should start grooming their goldendoodle puppy. While we’re not grooming experts, we can share what we do with our goldendoodle pups, along with feedback we’ve gotten from our doodle families. If you have any tips that we could share with our Rainfield Goldendoodle family, please contacct us through Rainfield Facebook page or at my email at laurie@rainfieldgoldendoodles.com.

Goldendoodle puppies at 10 weeks
Goldendoodle Puppies at 8-10 weeks old. Their coats are fluffy and getting thicker. The pup in the middle will be the first to need the hair around his eyes trimmed.

*Note: We are including some links and recommendations for products we use. We are not being paid or compensated to advertise these. These are just items we have research and added to our grooming set up.

What Type of Goldendoodle Do You Have and What Is Their Coat Type?

Here at Rainfield, we have puppies whose coats range from quite curly (our F1bb or some F1b puppies) to shaggy wavy coats (our F1s and some F1bs). Goldendoodles take a couple years to get their full and final coats, so their coats will change and transition during those first two years. They usually start off pretty fluffy with baby fuzz underneath. Gradually the curlier doodles get more of a curly, poodle-like coat, although usually with looser curls that a poodle. The shaggy wavy coated doodles, get a longer, fuller, straighter coat, often with a little curl in it. In our experience, curlier goldendoodles need their first actual grooming experience a little earlier (3-4 monhs old) than the shaggy wavy doodles (5-6 months).

Two coat types - A curly goldendoodle puppy and a shaggy wavy goldendoodle
Two different coat types. Marcus (the Great) is an F1 doodle and has a shaggy, wavy coat. Princess Neely is an F1b Mini Goldendoodle puppy. She has a beautiful curly coat.

Get Your Puppy Started with Weekly Grooming Maintenance

Regardless of the coat type, before you start full-on grooming a goldendoodle puppy,they need to get used to regular brushings and the sounds of the grooming table (blowers, clippers, etc.). Go ahead and blow dry them a little bit after each bath. If you have clippers or beard trimmers, turn on the clippers and let your goldendoodle get used to the sound. Bring the clippers close to their fur in different places, their head, legs, feet. Don’t overdo it and if they’re nervous, slow down. Give your doodles dog treats while the blower or clippers are going so your doodle develops a positive association with those sounds.

Brushing your goldendoodle puppy at least once a week is very important. Those fuzzy, soft doodle puppy coats tend to get little mats that aren’t always visible, but left alone will grow and get worse and eventually lead to a groomer having to “poodle your doodle” by giving them a short buzz cut or shave. By brushing out those early mats, you can hopefully keep your doodles coat a little longer — if that’s that look you love. We use a steel comb and/or mat raker as needed.

Starting With an Eye, Ear and Sanitary Trim

Goldendoodle puppies are so adorable and funny. Their long hair becomes part of their doodle personality and you don’t want to lose that by grooming them too early. The earliest grooming a goldendoodle puppy needs is often an eye, ear and sanitary trim. When their hair starts getting in their eyes, or fuzzing out their ears, and when poop residue starts clinging to their fur near their butt, your doodle is ready for their first light grooming.

Learn more about grooming a goldendoodle puppy with a shaggy wavy coat
Amber is a 5 month old F1 Goldendoodle Puppy. She’s got a beautiful coat, but it has started to look messy, especially around the face.

With our puppies that often happens at about 12-16 weeks of age. You can either take them to the groomer to get this done, or, if you are more of a DIYer like we are, you can do this at home. A little trim around the eyes, a light buzz on the inside of the ears with a small trimmer like this one and some scissor clipping around their potty areas might be enough to tide you over until their coat is thick enough for their first official grooming . Just be careful because doodles can be bouncy. You don’t want to injure their eyes. We use safety tip grooming scissors that have rounded ends for the areas around their face.

Time to Schedule Your Doodle’s First Major Grooming

Shaggy Wavy Goldendoodle Puppy is ready for her first grooming session
At 5 months old, Amber’s thick coat is growing in beautifully. A scissor clip will even her coat out a bit. With that nice coat, we want her to be used to regular grooming and the grooming table as well.

And finally, when your doodle starts looking too messy, it’s time for your doodle’s first grooming experience at the groomers or at your home grooming station. Our doodles seem to need their first grooming at about 5 months old, but puppies with an especially thick, full coat, may need it sooner. Puppies with thinner coats, may be able to go longer than that. It’s your call.

We do most of our own grooming, when possible. We prefer the longer, shaggier look on our goldendoodles, so we prefer to start with scissor clipping when grooming a goldendoodle puppy. If the puppy’s coat has too many mats that can’t be raked out using a mat raker, you may need to be give them a closer cut or shave. If your puppy is very matted, it’s best to get professional help as you can cut or injure your dog if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Using a good grooming table makes grooming a goldendoodle puppy easier
Scissor clipping is all Amber needs for now. A grooming table makes all the difference. We use the large Flying Pig Brand. Grooming a goldendoodle puppy takes skill, but Violet (16) has learned her grooming techniques by watching Youtube videos.
5 month old goldendoodle puppy's first grooming
Amber feels good and looks so much cleaner and neater after getting all that puppy fuzz off.

Caring for Your Goldendoodle Puppy’s Ears

Goldendoodles have long, beautiful, floppy ears. Dogs with long ears can have more ear trouble as the hair grows and gets trapped in their ears. Once this happens, moisture is retained and yeast and other bacteria can become a problem. Excessive yeast in a dog’s ear can lead to ear infections if clean ears are not maintained.

Part of your weekly grooming maintenance should be checking their ears and using an ear wash. We use Zymox Otic and use that for 3 or 4 days. However, if your dogs seems in pain or it doesn’t clear up within a few daus, schedule an appointment with your vet as they may have an ear infection and need some antibiotics.

Goldendoodle puppies with floppy ears need regular ear cleansing
Brownie has those long, floppy doodle ears that need regular cleanings to keep yeast growth at bay.
Hats off to Our Goldendoodle Service Dogs

Hats off to Our Goldendoodle Service Dogs

Hats Off to Our Wonderful Goldendoodle Service Dogs

While we are so proud of all of our sweet goldendoodle puppies, our doodles that go on to get more specialized training and become Goldendoodle service dogs have a special place in our hearts. We love hearing about our pooches who go on to become therapy dogs, school dogs, companion dogs for special needs children and adolescents, medical alert dogs and more advanced service dogs. These wonderful dogs, together with their new families, go above and beyond spending hours, days, weeks and months in special training and courses to become service dogs. Hats off to families who work so hard to unleash every last bit of potential these wonderful dogs have.

Service Dog Spotlight 2022

These are just a few of the latest Rainfield Goldendoodle Service Dogs. We know there are many more. Goldendoodle make such wonderful companions, but one of their best qualities is their empathy and ability to sense when their mommies, daddies, brother and sisters need a friend or have a special need. Keep up the good work! If you are thinking about training your doodle for special jobs, we encourage you to go for it. Goldendoodle are so smart and they do love learning and reaching their full potential.

Rudder is a Rainfield pup in Service Dog training. He’s coming right along. They really do learn fast and love having a job. Doodles have such big hearts
Doodles are just wonderful family members and so good with kids. Robert, a Veteran, recently was gifted one of our Doodles for his new service dog. She looks like she’s coming right along. Thanks Maya for sharing such a beautiful puppy.
Service Dog in Training – Thank you, Home Depot, for your dog friendly policies
Freddy just earned his Canine Good Citizen Certificate at the Petsmart Training Center. He’s got everything he needs to start therapy dog training.
The little blue ribbon represents a lot of hard work by both Mama and Freddie. Thank you, Helen and Freddie, for going above and beyond to give a little of that doodle love to those in need.

Are You Planning to Train Your Goldendoodle as a Service Dog?

If you are planning to enroll your goldendoodle puppy in specialized training to become a service dog, therapy dog, companion animal for special needs individuals, a medical alert dog, PTSD dog, etc., let us know when it comes time to pick out your puppy. We can keep that in mind when we evaluate their temperments and let you know which pups may have the best temperment for that type of work.

Keep up the good work!