Tips on Training a goldendoodle puppy

If you’re having trouble training your goldendoodle puppy, here are some tips I gleaned during my adventures training a goldendoodle puppy named Archie.
Little Archie is a three month old F1b goldendoodle puppy. I spent a few minutes each morning giving him some one on one training. Well, this moring he said “no way!”
I had clipped a leash on Archie for the first time and he immediately let me know it was the greatest insult. He squirmed, twisted and wiggled as hard as he could to get that contraption off of his little collar. Thankfully, I had equipped myself with a bag of small liver treats. He had been doing so well with everything else I had done with him so far, so it took me by surprize as he shook his head and refused to budge. It was so unlike him. But first — backtracking a bit….
The importance of the right treats
My dogs and puppies will do anything for a liver treat. I like to buy them fresh from the store, cook them up and cut them into little pieces. Yesterday, I caused quite a sensation at the grocery store. While shopping, the meat market people brought out packages of liver marked on sale. They no sooner placed the packages on the shelf, then I had transferred them all to my basket. I could imagine other shoppers’ thoughts on my extreme love of liver. Not many people eat liver now days. At times like this, I pretend no one is watching. What can one woman do with 25 lbs of liver in her shopping cart?
Leash training a goldendoodle puppy
Well, back to Archie, he initially refused to move. I placed a treat a foot in front of him and he still did not budge. I put him in ‘sit’ position and waited. I had time. After about 20 minutes of taking ‘1 ft moves’, he seemed to forget his resolve to make me sweat it out. He decided to follow. While I had been faithful with his daily training session, somehow I had neglected his leash training. I knew I had a bit of catching up but was not prepared for his staunch resolve. Good news though, it did not take long before we had lots of progress. I have to admit, those little liver bits, work wonders. They are ‘high value’ treats. He is sometimes opinionated at first but it is inspiring to see how quickly he catches on. We actually had a little run together on the way back home, on leash.
Training can be so much fun. He is such a good boy and is quick to learn. And, of course, he teaches me patience.
Get your goldendoodle puppy today!
With summer kicking into gear, it’s the perfect time to adopt a goldendoodle puppy. Right now we have Archie and his sister, Cherish, Archie is a curly F1b goldendoodle puppy and his sister is a shaggy, wavy, goldendoodle. Both are expected to be small to medium standards. They are doing very well with potty training, crate training, and more, including, thankfully, leash training.
If you’d like more information about adopting either of these darling goldendoodle pups, or would like to get on a future list for a puppy, contact me today at 281-235-3272, or email